여성의 생식기와 배란, Female reproductive system and ovulation

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여성의 생식기와 배란, Female reproductive system and ovulation
여성 골반
a-장골, b-천추, c-쿠퍼인대, d-치골결합, e-미추, f-대퇴골. k-골반입구(적색 원), m-치골, n-천극인대
Principles and Practice of Obstetrics, De Lee-Greenhill, 9th Edition, Saunders
여성 생식기(좌 종단면)
a-자궁체, b-난관, c-원근대, d-난소, e-나팔관, f-질, g-자궁경관
소스-Pregnancy in Anatomical Illustrations, Carnation Healthcare Services, Los Angeles. CA 1962
여성 생식기의 종단면
a-난관, b-나팔관, c-직장, d-자궁, e-난소, f-방광, g-질, h-요도
성교 후 여성 생식기
a-자궁, b-난관, c-원근대, d-난소, e-난자, f-나팔관, g-자궁강, h-질 속의 정자
한번 사정할 때 약 2~5억 개의 정자가 질 속으로 사정된다. 2~5억 개의 정자들 중에 가장 빨리 수영한 정자는 나팔관 속에서 한 개의 난자를 만나서 수정이 될 수 있다.
소스-Pregnancy in Anatomical Illustrations, Carnation Healthcare Services, Los Angeles. CA 1962
나팔관에서 한 개의 정자와 한 개의 난자가 만나 수정란이 된다. 그 수정란은 세포분열을 하기 시작해서 두 개의 세포로, 두 개의 세포가 네 개의 세포로 분열되면서 16개 이상의 세포로 될 때 자궁 속으로 들어가서 자궁벽에 착상하게 된다. 이런 현상을 임신이라고 한다. a-자궁벽에 착상된 배아
소스-Pregnancy in Anatomical Illustrations, Carnation Healthcare Services, Los Angeles. CA 1962


Female reproductive system and ovulation 여성의 생식기와 배란


Female pelvis

a-iliac spine, b-sacral spine, c-cooper ligament, d-pubic linkage, e-coccyx, f-femur. k-pelvic entrance (red circle), m- pubis, n- celestial ligament Principles and Practice of Obstetrics, De Lee-Greenhill, 9th Edition, Saunders


Female genitalia (left longitudinal section)

a-uterine body, b-fallopian tube, c- broad ligament, d-ovary, e-fallopian tube, f-vagina, g-cervical canal Source-Pregnancy in Anatomical Illustrations, Carnation Healthcare Services, Los Angeles. CA 1962


Longitudinal section of the female genitalia

a-fallopian tubes, b-fallopian tubes, c-rectum, d-uterus, e-ovaries, f-bladder, g-vagina, h-urethra


Female genitals after intercourse a-uterus, b-fallopian tube, c-braod ligament, d-ovary, e-egg, f-fallopian tube, g-uterine cavity, h-sperm in the vagina


At one ejaculation, about 200 to 500 million sperm are ejaculated into the vagina. Of the 200 to 500 million sperm, the sperm that swims the fastest can be fertilized by meeting a single egg in the fallopian tube. Source-Pregnancy in Anatomical Illustrations, Carnation Healthcare Services, Los Angeles. CA 1962


In the fallopian tube, one sperm and one egg meet to form a fertilized egg.

The fertilized egg begins to divide into two cells, and two cells divide into four cells, and when it becomes more than 16 cells, it enters the uterus and implants on the wall of the uterus.

This phenomenon is called pregnancy. a-embryo implanted in the uterus wall Source-Pregnancy in Anatomical Illustrations, Carnation Healthcare Services, Los Angeles. CA 1962

Copyright ⓒ 2014 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP

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“The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

“Parental education is the best medicine.“