분만 후 발열, Postpartum fever

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분만 후 발열, Postpartum fever

분만 후 발열의 정의

흔한 산과 분만 후 건강 문제이다

질 분만에서보다 제왕 절개 분만에서 더 많이 발생한다.

분만 후 출산 24시간 내 체온이 섭시 38.4(101.1화씨이하의 분만후 발열은 자연적으로 정상으로 돌아가는 경우가 많다.

출산 후 첫 24시간 내 체온이 섭씨 38.7도 (화씨 101.6)이거나 또는 섭씨 38.0도 (화씨 100.4이상이 분만 후 10일 내에 생기면 항생제치료를 요하고 영상 진단 등을 해 원인을 알면서 치료 해야 한다.

분만 후 발열과 감염병

분만 후 약 5~10%의 산모에게 분만 후 열이 난다고 한다.

분만 후 6주 후 발열은 분만과 관계가 없을 수 있다

분만후 발열과 감염병의 원인

가장 흔한 원인–요로 감염유방염자궁 주위 조직염자궁 내막염난관난소 농양회음 절게 상처 감염질 파열상처 감염복강 수술상처 감염독성 쇼크 증후군괴사성 근막염 등이다.

드물게균혈증패혈증, A군 연쇄상구균대장균폐렴(흡인성), 약물성 열 (마취제)

자궁 내막염이나 다른 종류의 감염병이 있다고 의심 할 떼

제완 절개 수술 분만 병력

당뇨 병비만사람 면역 결핍 바이라스 감염병이 있거나전신 마취 분만을 받았을 때

국소 감염병 징후나 증상이 있을 때



Red Book 30th edition 2015

Postpartum fever 분만 후 발열

Definition of fever after delivery

 It is a common obstetric postpartum health problem

It occurs more in cesarean delivery than in vaginal delivery

After delivery, the fever naturally returns to normal after delivery with a body temperature of 38.4 degrees Celsius (101.1 degrees Fahrenheit) or less within 24 hours of delivery.

If the body temperature within the first 24 hours after childbirth is 38.7 degrees Celsius (101.6 degrees Fahrenheit) or 38.0 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) or more occurs within 10 days after delivery, antibiotic treatment is required, and treatment should be performed with an image diagnosis, etc.,

Causes of fever and infectious diseases after delivery

Fever and infectious diseases after delivery After delivery, about 5-10% of mothers are said to have a fever after delivery. Fever after 6 weeks after delivery may have nothing to do with delivery.

Causes of fever and infectious diseases after delivery

 Causes of fever and infectious diseases after delivery The most common causes are urinary tract infections, mastitis, endometritis, fallopian tubes-ovarian abscess, perineal joint wound infection, vaginal rupture wound infection, abdominal surgical wound infection, toxic shock syndrome, necrotizing fasciitis, etc

 Rarely, bacteremia, sepsis, group A streptococcus, Escherichia coli, pneumonia (aspiration), drug-related fever (anesthetic)

When you suspect you have endometritis or any other type of infectious disease

History of delivery with c-section

 Diabetes, obesity, human immunodeficiency Virus infectious disease, or when a general anesthesia delivery

  Suspected of  any local infectious disease

Definition of fever after delivery

It is a common obstetric postpartum health problem It occurs more in cesarean delivery than in vaginal delivery. After delivery, the fever naturally returns to normal after delivery with a body temperature of 38.4 degrees Celsius (101.1 degrees Fahrenheit) or less within 24 hours of delivery. If the body temperature within the first 24 hours after childbirth is 38.7 degrees Celsius (101.6 degrees Fahrenheit) or 38.0 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) or more occurs within 10 days after delivery, antibiotic treatment is required, and treatment should be performed with an image diagnosis, etc.,

knowing the cause. . Fever and infectious diseases after delivery After delivery, about 5-10% of mothers are said to have a fever after delivery. Fever after 6 weeks after delivery may have nothing to do with delivery.

Causes of fever and infectious diseases after delivery The most common causes are urinary tract infections, mastitis, periuterine pertonititis, endometritis, fallopian tubes-ovarian abscess, perineal joint wound infection, vaginal rupture wound infection, abdominal surgical wound infection, toxic shock syndrome, necrotizing fasciitis, etc. Rarely, bacteremia, sepsis, group A streptococcus, Escherichia coli, pneumonia (aspiration), drug-related fever (anesthetic)

Suspected of endometritis or any other type of infectious disease

History of delivery with c-section brachial incision Diabetes, obesity, human immunodeficiency Virus infectious disease, or when a general anesthesia is delivered When you have signs or symptoms of a local infectious disease References and Sources: HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN PRIMARY CARE OCTOBER 14-16, 2015 Red Book 30th edition 2015