겸자 분만, Forceps delivery

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겸자 분만, Forceps delivery
루이칼트 겸자
소스-De Lee and Greenhill: Principles and Practice of Obstetrics. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co.
임신에서 신생아 돌보기까지(청문각)
겸자로 분만한다
소스-De Lee and Greenhill: Principles and Practice of Obstetrics. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co.
임신에서 신생아 돌보기까지(청문각)
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겸자를 질 산도 속에 조심스럽게 넣어 아기의 두부를 겸자로 조심스럽게 잡아당겨서 분만하는 것을 겸자분만(鉗子分娩)이라고 한다.
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어떤 태아의 머리의 크기가 산도의 크기보다 비정상적으로 더 크든지, 그와 반대로 태아의 머리의 크기는 정상이지만 산도가 태아의 머리의 크기보다 비정상적으로 더 작을 수 있다.
이 두 경우 그 태아의 머리가 산도 속을 자연적으로 통과하여 태어나기가 쉽지 않을 수 있다. 그 외에 분만부가 효과적으로 자궁 속 태아를 산도 속으로 밀어내지 못할 때, 여러 가지 이유로 아기를 빨리 분만해야 할 때 자연적으로 분만하기 쉽게 아기의 머리를 산도 속에서 돌리는 처치를 할 때, 또 여러 가지 이유로 자연적으로 분만할 수 없어 제왕절개 수술분만을 해야 할 때 제왕절개 수술분만을 하는 대신 겸자를 써서 분만할 수도 있다.
필요할 때 경험이 많은 의사가 겸자로 분만을 기술적으로 잘 하면 쉽게 분만할 수 있고 분만부, 태아, 아기에게도 이로운 점이 많다고 하는 의사들이 많다.

Copyright ⓒ 2014 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP

Forceps delivery 겸자 분만


Louis Calt forceps Source-De Lee and Greenhill: Principles and Practice of Obstetrics. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co. From pregnancy to babysitting (Cheongmungak)



Deliver with forceps Source-De Lee and Greenhill: Principles and Practice of Obstetrics. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co. From pregnancy to babysitting (Cheongmungak)


Forceps are a kind of medical device used in obstetrics that look like the picture above. There are many different types and shapes of forceps.

Forceps are carefully inserted into the vaginal birth canal, and the baby’s head is carefully pulled with forceps to deliver.

This is called forceps delivery (鉗子分娩). It’s a good idea to check with your doctor long before delivery about forceps, or how to deliver with forceps.

There are studies showing that the vaginal cavity or perineum is more likely to be slit when delivered with forceps than during natural delivery, and recent studies have shown that if the delivery is done properly with forceps, the vagina or perineum is not more likely to be slit.

Also, it is said that it is not less likely.

Sometimes forceps delivery can inflict trauma to a baby. Whether the size of a fetus’s head is abnormally larger than the size of the birth canal, conversely, the size of the fetus’s head is normal, but the acidity may be abnormally smaller than the size of the fetus’s head.

In both cases, the fetus’s head naturally passes through the birth canal and it may not be easy to be born. In addition, when the delivery department cannot effectively push the fetus in the womb into the birth canal when the baby needs to be delivered quickly for various reasons, when the baby’s head is turned into the birth canal to facilitate delivery naturally, and for various reasons, it is natural.

If you cannot deliver with a cesarean section and you need to deliver a cesarean section, you can use forceps instead of delivering a cesarean section.

When needed, many doctors say that if you are technically good to deliver with forceps, you can deliver easily, and there are many benefits to the delivery department, the fetus, and the baby. Copyright ⓒ 2014 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP


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“The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

“Parental education is the best medicine.“